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Get to Know us!


Here at The Reformed Sage my wife and I are two people who love biblical theology, evangelism, and coffee. We sell really cool merchandise with a strong Reformed message and amazing (no really, it is!) coffee. Our desire is that our merchandise and coffee can be a conversation starter with those around you who don’t know Christ, and through conversations about a design or around a cup of Reformed Roasters sanctified beans, may it lead them to an understanding of the knowledge of God.

A little about us: We have been married 15 years, we have two sons, ages 7 & 11, and golden retrievers named Watson and Goodwin. We are both prior military and also both grew up Arminians. The Lord in His sovereignty lead us to reformed theology and it was like reading the bible for the first time, refreshing and humbling. 

We hope you enjoy our coffee, social media pages, and Christ centered approach. May they enrich your faith, assist you in conformity to the image of Christ and provide you opportunities to share to Gospel with the lost. If you do not know what the Gospel is, and why you need it, please continue reading:

In the age we live, no message could be greater than this: The Scriptures teach that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory (perfection and Holiness) of God. This means we are all sinners and have broken the laws of a righteous and Holy God. We stand condemned and are justly worthy of condemnation to hell because of our actions and rebellion against Him. All of us have at some point gone our own sinful way in life. Thankfully, God has not left us without hope…

Jesus said: "I have come to set the captives free." Luke 4:18. Jesus also said: "I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6. Christ was sent by God the Father to pay for the sins of the world to redeem and unite a certain people to Himself. Who are these called and redeemed people?

The Scriptures say that they are anyone who believes in Christ.  Specifically: "if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved." Romans 10:9-10.

It is our hope that you repent and believe in Jesus Christ, the one who gave you life, and that you find your calling with your brothers and sisters in the Lord in the Kingdom of God.

If you need to talk to somebody about the Gospel and Jesus Christ, please feel free to send us an email.

Nick & Cami

The Reformed Sage & Reformed Roasters

Soli Deo Gloria